Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Day 28 | Upper Body

I am officially three weeks away from the half-marathon. The nerves and goosebumps are starting to creep up my spine. Those goosebumps equal more foam rolling, the stress is weighing on me and my joints are shot. The mindset of staying positive is my main goal right now and just appreciate each day. In the past when things seem to break my indset would adjust to being thankful and somehow I would always get through it. The life of an entrepreneur is a rollercoaster so lately my training has been my rehab. The feeling of finishing a great workout is still yet to be beat for being the BEST FEELING EVER. So if you are reading this thinking, "why the hell am I reading this and why is this guy crazy?" then just test me and start training with a purpose. The pain is short term and right when you start to drink the post-protein shake you begin to realize it's all worth it.

The Training Session:
1. Foam Roller or Die
2. Pre Stretches:
-Wall Slides x10
-Forearm Stretch x20/s
-Scap Pushups x10
-Wall ankle mobs x8/s
-Tspin x8/s
-Standing Box Hammy Stretch x15s/s
-Warrior Lunges x8/s

3. Training
1. Trap Bar Dead lift(No belt) 140x5 180x5 200x5 230x5 260x3
1. Knee to Knee/ Leg Swings
2. 1-legged Squats(12in box) 3x8/s
3. Bench 135x5 155x5 175x5 195x5
3. Band Tricep Extension(straight arm) 4x10/s
4. Pallof Press (60secs in between) 4x20/s
5. Deltoid Raises 4x10(front and back)

*Post Stretches


Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Last 2 Weeks Training Log | September 22nd -October 4th | Day 21-27

* Did all Foam Rolling and Pre Stretches before each session. 
Monday September 22 | Upper Body

1. Pullups (60secs rest in between) 5x5
2. 1arm DB Incline Press 4x6/side (50lbs)
2. MB OH Slams 4x10 (10lb)
3. 1-arm Row 3x10/side (65lb)
3. Straight Bar Curl 4x6 (95lbs)
4. Pallof Press 3x12/side
4. 1-arm Farmer Walks (75lbs) 3x3trips
5. Ab Rollouts 3x10

Tuesday September 23 | Lower Body 

1. Front Squat 4x5 (135)
1. Squat to Stand Stretch 3x10
2. Straight Leg RDL 3x8 (135)(Slow-->Fast)
2. Knee to Knee 3x20secs
3. Walking Lunges 3x8/side (35)
4. DB Step ups 3x8/side (35)
5. Prone Bridge 3x30secs

Thursday September 25 | Tempo Run

4 Miles- 34 mins

Saturday September 27 | Long Run

6.5 Miles - 55 mins

Tuesday September 30 | Lower Body

1. Front Squat 4x5 (135)
1. Squat to Stand Stretch 3x10
2. Straight Leg RDL 3x8 (135)(Slow-->Fast)
2. Knee to Knee 3x20secs
3. 1-legged Squat 15in. Box 3x8/side
4. 1-legged RDL 3x8/side (40)
5. Ab Rollouts

Wednesday October 1st | Upper body

1. Feet Elevated Pushups 4x10
2. Chin ups 5x5
2. Diagonal MB T-spin 3x8/side
3. DB Incline Press 3x8/side(40)
4. Zottman Curl 3x8/side
5. Face Pulls 3x10/side(black resistance band)

Saturday October 4th | Long Run 

7 Miles- 1 Hr 10 mins

Day 20 | Sprint Day

“Role models who push us to exceed our limits, physical training that removes our spare tires, and risks that expand our sphere of comfortable action are all examples of eustress—stress that is healthful and the stimulus for growth.” - Tim Ferris

This quote really hits home with me highlighting the emotions that I have towards my training and listening to those to help improve this curious grind to elite health. My girlfriend has taught me a lot about self-discipline, self-awareness, and how to just shut up and train. On this training day to be honest I was not "feeling it." I was beginning to find way to justify me not training and how I will just make up for all of it the next day. But seeing the pain and hell Laura has gone through to get to where she is today in her grind inspires me to be better, train harder , and to focus on the things that will improve my journey opposed to the distractions that kill your progress. We all need these types of people in out lives who will challenge us when we need challenged and compliment us when we need complimented. It is a relationship that has been a blessing on my life, career, and future. She is much more than an imspiration but a blueprint for those who are striving to improve. 

So more about the training, sorry just had to get that out. I ran my sprints on saturday before feasting into some chicken and shrimp hibachi! Yummm. My workout was tough because I had to kill it on a playground but also because I ran 6.5 miles 3 days before. For some reason the recovery has been the hardest but that is soley because of my nutrition. So yes I need to get better. 

Here is the sprint session:

Warm Up
- Knee 2 knee x30secs
- Warrior Lunges 2x8
- Can Openers 2x8/s
- Walking RDLs 2x10/s
- Walking side lunge+Deep squat 2x10/s
- Walking toe touches 2x10/s
- Back Pedal 2x20 yards

- 8x25 yards Max Effort
- 6x50 yards Progression Sprints
- 4x80 yards Progression Sprints

Post Stretches
- Knee to Knee
- Warrior lunge hold
- Hammy hold stretch
- Bulgarian Split squat holds
- Wall ankle mobs side

Grinding Facts
Time: 45mins
Podcasts: None
Music: None
Strengths: Driving through the ground
Weaknesses: Hip mobility and having the body in sync.