Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Last 2 Weeks Training Log | September 22nd -October 4th | Day 21-27

* Did all Foam Rolling and Pre Stretches before each session. 
Monday September 22 | Upper Body

1. Pullups (60secs rest in between) 5x5
2. 1arm DB Incline Press 4x6/side (50lbs)
2. MB OH Slams 4x10 (10lb)
3. 1-arm Row 3x10/side (65lb)
3. Straight Bar Curl 4x6 (95lbs)
4. Pallof Press 3x12/side
4. 1-arm Farmer Walks (75lbs) 3x3trips
5. Ab Rollouts 3x10

Tuesday September 23 | Lower Body 

1. Front Squat 4x5 (135)
1. Squat to Stand Stretch 3x10
2. Straight Leg RDL 3x8 (135)(Slow-->Fast)
2. Knee to Knee 3x20secs
3. Walking Lunges 3x8/side (35)
4. DB Step ups 3x8/side (35)
5. Prone Bridge 3x30secs

Thursday September 25 | Tempo Run

4 Miles- 34 mins

Saturday September 27 | Long Run

6.5 Miles - 55 mins

Tuesday September 30 | Lower Body

1. Front Squat 4x5 (135)
1. Squat to Stand Stretch 3x10
2. Straight Leg RDL 3x8 (135)(Slow-->Fast)
2. Knee to Knee 3x20secs
3. 1-legged Squat 15in. Box 3x8/side
4. 1-legged RDL 3x8/side (40)
5. Ab Rollouts

Wednesday October 1st | Upper body

1. Feet Elevated Pushups 4x10
2. Chin ups 5x5
2. Diagonal MB T-spin 3x8/side
3. DB Incline Press 3x8/side(40)
4. Zottman Curl 3x8/side
5. Face Pulls 3x10/side(black resistance band)

Saturday October 4th | Long Run 

7 Miles- 1 Hr 10 mins

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