I am officially three weeks away from the half-marathon. The nerves and goosebumps are starting to creep up my spine. Those goosebumps equal more foam rolling, the stress is weighing on me and my joints are shot. The mindset of staying positive is my main goal right now and just appreciate each day. In the past when things seem to break my indset would adjust to being thankful and somehow I would always get through it. The life of an entrepreneur is a rollercoaster so lately my training has been my rehab. The feeling of finishing a great workout is still yet to be beat for being the BEST FEELING EVER. So if you are reading this thinking, "why the hell am I reading this and why is this guy crazy?" then just test me and start training with a purpose. The pain is short term and right when you start to drink the post-protein shake you begin to realize it's all worth it.
The Training Session: 1. Foam Roller or Die 2. Pre Stretches:
-Wall Slides x10
-Forearm Stretch x20/s
-Scap Pushups x10
-Wall ankle mobs x8/s
-Tspin x8/s
-Standing Box Hammy Stretch x15s/s
-Warrior Lunges x8/s
3. Training
1. Trap Bar Dead lift(No belt) 140x5 180x5 200x5 230x5 260x3
1. Knee to Knee/ Leg Swings
2. 1-legged Squats(12in box) 3x8/s
3. Bench 135x5 155x5 175x5 195x5
3. Band Tricep Extension(straight arm) 4x10/s
4. Pallof Press (60secs in between) 4x20/s
5. Deltoid Raises 4x10(front and back)
1. Front Squat 4x5 (135)
1. Squat to Stand Stretch 3x10
2. Straight Leg RDL 3x8 (135)(Slow-->Fast)
2. Knee to Knee 3x20secs
3. Walking Lunges 3x8/side (35)
4. DB Step ups 3x8/side (35)
5. Prone Bridge 3x30secs
Thursday September 25 | Tempo Run
4 Miles- 34 mins Saturday September 27 | Long Run
6.5 Miles - 55 mins Tuesday September 30 | Lower Body
1. Front Squat 4x5 (135)
1. Squat to Stand Stretch 3x10
2. Straight Leg RDL 3x8 (135)(Slow-->Fast)
2. Knee to Knee 3x20secs
3. 1-legged Squat 15in. Box 3x8/side
4. 1-legged RDL 3x8/side (40)
5. Ab Rollouts
“Role models who push us to exceed our limits, physical training that removes our spare tires, and risks that expand our sphere of comfortable action are all examples of eustress—stress that is healthful and the stimulus for growth.” - Tim Ferris
This quote really hits home with me highlighting the emotions that I have towards my training and listening to those to help improve this curious grind to elite health. My girlfriend has taught me a lot about self-discipline, self-awareness, and how to just shut up and train. On this training day to be honest I was not "feeling it." I was beginning to find way to justify me not training and how I will just make up for all of it the next day. But seeing the pain and hell Laura has gone through to get to where she is today in her grind inspires me to be better, train harder , and to focus on the things that will improve my journey opposed to the distractions that kill your progress. We all need these types of people in out lives who will challenge us when we need challenged and compliment us when we need complimented. It is a relationship that has been a blessing on my life, career, and future. She is much more than an imspiration but a blueprint for those who are striving to improve.
So more about the training, sorry just had to get that out. I ran my sprints on saturday before feasting into some chicken and shrimp hibachi! Yummm. My workout was tough because I had to kill it on a playground but also because I ran 6.5 miles 3 days before. For some reason the recovery has been the hardest but that is soley because of my nutrition. So yes I need to get better.
Here is the sprint session:
Warm Up - Knee 2 knee x30secs - Warrior Lunges 2x8 - Can Openers 2x8/s - Walking RDLs 2x10/s - Walking side lunge+Deep squat 2x10/s - Walking toe touches 2x10/s - Back Pedal 2x20 yards
After my long run day my body seemed shot. The pain was specificaly in my joints, hips and upper back. Every week the days after the long run I have been finding new strengths and weaknesses to grow from each workout. Following the long run training session, I hit it hard with an Upper Body day. So today primary I focused on staying at an elite level of strength for atleast 5 different movements was my original goal. I knew I had to execute on certain movements and if I added more exercises then so be it.
My day was long. It started early mixed with researching content for Andocia Creative Agency, posting and managing ITAG and social media, and ending with a 3hour Risk Managment night class.
The grind to becoming great and developing diverse skills is a journey. This journey has only been productive when I live by the mindset of "Iron sharpens Iron," so instilling this same mentality with every situation in life can fuel you to the finish. I hope. I think. Whatever just keep grinding.
Yesterday, I planned on killing my workout the next morning but something went off inside of me to run at 10:30 last night. Can't really explain what it was but I was ready. I suit up and get to the track to find out that the stadium lights are now off. So what do I do? Embrace the night.
The only problem was my calorie intake was very low so passion was needed to make this a productive run. It turned out to be great. The temperature was chilly and I was rocking a t-shirt so I knew if I stopped then I would get cold and sick.
The training session consisted of a quick warm-up, dynamic stretches, and the run. Here's how the run went:
On miles 2,3, and 4 I was able to average a 8:10 mile. A good time for my meathead ways. My feet felt really good as I rocked my new running shoes that my girlfriend purchased for me. She's the best. The perks of dating an athlete only benefits my lifestyle and mission to progress, so obviously I freaking love surprising gifts for the grind.
My Grinding Facts
Time: 1hr 10 mins
Music: Frank Ocean- Favorite songs- Crack Rock, Pyramids
Podcasts: None tired of hearing about the abusers of the NFL. Strength: stamina and passion Weaknesses: HIP MOBILITY (GET Yo knees up)
Gear: Under Armor Spandex, Nike TShirt, beanie, and the Adidas Glide Boost
Sunday was the last training session of this week and my 17th session of this phases journey to the half-marathon. My energy is flat. My muscles are sore. My work outside of health has increased. And the weather is now becoming hoody weather so back to my pale hairy self.
The positives are my improvements in squat depth, single leg mobility, speed, and internal strength. The internal battle has always been the hardest for me, everyday trying to overcome the struggles that bring us down. So at the end of the day if I can do that then the rest is easy. I think.
So this training session was interesting making me realize that weaknesses need to progressively be improved rather than over worked. It is difficult to see where you need to grow and not over due it so patience and persistence is the true text when it comes to facing your weaknesses. So my one pointer is if you have a muscle weakness that you know needs to be worked on then make it a priority to strengthen but do it over a period of time. Your body needs to transition rather than create another imbalance try approaching your weakness by: adding 2 extra exercises that solely focuses on that muscle in one week opposed to killing that weakness everyday.
If you can actually accomplish a daily effort for that weakness than more power to you but for the average grinder that has a heavy schedule try 2 exercises and 2 mobility movements a week on that weakness. If you feel you can up your effort overtime then do so but start slow and let your body evolve. Here's Sundays session:
Listening to podcasts has slowly turned into my "go-to." I listen to podcasts to laugh, learn, grow as an entrepreneur, and for the sports fix. Roughly, I will listen to 6-10 hrs of podcast per week. A little much but how I see it is "You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with." In that case I will just stick to the earbuds instead of listening to some guy complain about Mike Tomlin's offense. So this is the first edition of what I like to call the Podcast Playlist, consisting of my 5 favorite podcast I listened to this week. So here is my first week's starting 5: Design Matters 2014, The Tim Ferris Show, Entrepreneurship on Fire, Smart Passive Income Podcast, and Juan Epstein.
1. Design Matters 2014 | Design Observer | Scott Lerman
Scott Lerman talks about his new book Building Better Brands: A Comprehensive Guide to Brand Strategy and Identity Development about brand strategy and how consumer research can innovate thinking. Lerman really gave great nuggets of information concerning how to create processes and action plans for your brand. The back and forth talk was at a high level with the verbiage but it was a golden episode that had influenced me to do several things with Inside the Athletic Grind.
2. The Tim Ferriss Show | Episode 15: Neil Strauss | Author of the Game
This pick may be a little biased because of how much I liked Tim Ferris prior to his podcast show. Time Ferris is a curious, intelligent, sponge who gives his guests the platform to speak their skills and sets them up to dive deep into theories, strategies, beliefs, and concepts. This episode Ferris and Strauss talk the evolution of Neil Strauss writing process. Neil is a diverse author who creatively has written for the Rolling Stones, New York Times, and 7-time on the New York Best Seller lists.
A few strong takeaways from this episode was:
-How to overcome writer's block.
-How to evaluate and edit your writing.
-How to become a master interviewer.
3. Entrepreneurship on Fire | Episode 684: Deb Ingino
John Lee Dumas aka MY DUDE! Talk about a grind this guy does a podcast with an industry leader everyday and grabs the best nuggests out of them. I have been inspired by John to attacck my podcast journey. He and also Pat Flynn have paved the way for the guys who do not know much and put it so simply. But in this episode John, as always, pulls the best out of Deb Ingino- who created start up teams in 17 countries that was focused on maximizing each of the teammates strengths.
Stats on Deb:
"Deb has shepherded the training of more than 1,000 global team members in 7 languages. This work enabled Marchon to grow in value from $50M to well over $500M. She was recognized in 2008 and 2010 by the Long Island Business News as one of the “50 Most Influential Women in Business.”
4. The Smart Passive Income Podcast | Episode 125: Small Secrets to Stay Mentally Focused and at the Top of Our Entrepreneurial Game
Pat Flynn just like John Lee Dumas has produced elite content that has become the go-to source in the podcasting and blogging industry for aspiring entrepreneurs. How Pat stands out from other podcasters is his ability to go into interviews with curiousity, no notes, and a genuine heart. Recently in a natural slow process Pat has been striving to become ore healthier for his productivity and his family, and this episode fits right with what he is striving for: Staying Mentally Focused.
In this episode, Pat was not the only one to blow me away but his guest Shawn Stevenson, host of the Model Health Show(#1 Nutrition and Fitness Podcast on ITUNES. Shawn talks about the misconceptions in the health and fitness industry, small changes to make for big results, and the importance of fats. All of his points were supported by in-depth break dows making the way our body work sound so easy.
5. Juan Epstein | Rosenberg Radio | Jermaine Dupri
Yes, you might be confused why I ended my top 5 with Hot 97's finest Cipha and Rosenberg. But these guys bring a dynamic and chemistry to podcasting that allows the top hip hop stars to relax and tell their stories. Being an avid hip-hop fan has led me to this podcast, but the most recent one with Jermaine Dupri was beyond comical. It was hip-hop.
What many people do not know is the impact that Jermaine Dupri had on the industry at such a young age. JD was making an impact at the age of 16 when he ran into Kris Kross in the mall(oh yeah they were 11!) JD never heard them perform and they never did perform but he said by the way they walked thru the mall made him want to work with them. And thats how Kriss Kross was made.(those 6XL backward jerseys tho were a little too much for me and Kris Kross. They could have fit their whole grade inside of those clothes.)
JD started out as that kid upstairs with bedroom dreams and didn't stop until he became the guy who put ATL on the map.
Until next week try the playlist and start pursuing those dreams! Jump Jump.
It is friday September 12 and yesterday I had a late night training session. Something that I love to make the training fun is changing the times of training. (Also with a busy schedule lifting late is sometimes the only time we can train.) So a little late night lifting with some heavy Nirvana and Rise Against will get anyone going. Today's training session is what I like to call "Upper Body Speed Day." This day is a combination of movements that service all Upper Body Muscles. The weight for this day is not the main priority but the technique, speed, and rest in between are the focus. I worked in the dynamic day to stay away from the traditional "bro day" consisted of a 10:1 (Push:Pull) ratio. I stick to the movements and just go at a faster pace- its that simple.
Warm-UP 1. Foam Roller 2. Dynamic Stretches + Mobility
-Wrist Flexor x20secs/side
-Wall Slides x10
-Psaos Band Hold Stretch x20secs
-Brady Band Series x8/8/8/8
-Walking Spiderman Lunges x8/side
-Squat to Stands x10
-Wall ankle mobs x8/side
-Sleeper stretch x20secs/side