Friday, September 12, 2014

Day 16 | Dynamic Upper Body Day

It is friday September 12 and yesterday I had a late night training session. Something that I love to make the training fun is changing the times of training. (Also with a busy schedule lifting late is sometimes the only time we can train.) So a little late night lifting with some heavy Nirvana and Rise Against will get anyone going. Today's training session is what I like to call "Upper Body Speed Day." This day is a combination of movements that service all Upper Body Muscles. The weight for this day is not the main priority but the technique, speed, and rest in between are the focus. I worked in the dynamic day to stay away from the traditional "bro day" consisted of a 10:1 (Push:Pull) ratio. I stick to the movements and just go at a faster pace- its that simple.

1. Foam Roller
2. Dynamic Stretches + Mobility
-Wrist Flexor x20secs/side
-Wall Slides x10
-Psaos Band Hold Stretch x20secs
-Brady Band Series x8/8/8/8
-Walking Spiderman Lunges x8/side
-Squat to Stands x10
-Wall ankle mobs x8/side
-Sleeper stretch x20secs/side

3. Training
1. Wide Grip Pullups (30secs in between) 4x5
2. Conventional Deadlifts 4x5 (185)FAST
3. Feet Elevated Pushups 3x12
3. T-Spins 3x8/side
4. 1-arm row 3x10/side
5. Plate raises (35lb) 3x12
6. 1arm Farners Walks 3x3trips(30yards)/each side
6. Pallof Press 2x15/side

Grinding Facts
Time: 1.25hrs
Music: Rise Against and Nirvana
Podcasts: None
Strengths: Stamina
Weaknesses: Chest Strength

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