Here is the session:
Dynamic + Static movements = Warm-up (1x10-15reps/20-30secs)
- Wall Slides
- Forearm Stretch
- Brady Band Series
- 3-way hammy stretch
- Warrior lunges
- Walking Spiderman
- Knee to Knee
- Wall ankle mobs
- Sleeper Stretch
Med Ball (10lb)
1. OH Slams 2x10
1. Rotational Wall toss 2x10/side
1. T-spin Pushups
1. Pullups 5x5
2. Snatch grip Dead lifts 4x5 (185)
2. Pushups 3x15
3. DB Incline Bench Press 3x8/side (50)
3. 1-arm row 3x10/side (65)
4. Power Curl 4x5
4. Band Tricep Ext 3x10/side
5. 1arm Farmer Walks (65) 3x3trips(total 30yards each trip)
6. Ab Rollout 3x8
Post Stretches*
Quick Grinding Facts
Time: 1hr 5 mins
Music: Lecrae | Anamoly
Podcasts: None
Strengths: Tempo and Stamina
Weaknesses: Max Effort Strength
Quote: “A person's success in life can usually be measured by the number of uncomfortable conversations he or she is willing to have.” - Tim Ferris
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