Monday, September 8, 2014

Day 14 | Wednesday Week 4 Lower Body

First just want to apologize for the last few weeks delay on my updates. It has been a crazy schedule since I have recently accepted a new job being the Content Creator for Andocia Creative Angency. A little back story my first love is Art. My grandfather was an artist and I still remember, at the age of 4, holding his paint while he brainstormed in his basement studio. In my new adventure being the content creator I will be giving input on projects, controlling social media platforms, and being a brand ambassador. The founder and CEO Jerry Scheller is an intelligent and artistic leader who wants to make an impact on lives, the industry, and brands. (How can we help you?)

Moving on to the Meathead talk…..Ya bro

So sticking to the plan I stayed with my usual Monday Lower Half Workout- today was a tough day. My hammy is still tender and I am continually trying to get better and grow the only issue is health and nutrition. I am at fault for this. My nutrition has been approached half-ass and it is showing in my trying. 

Ultimately reach my goal, I must execute better with my nutrition! Period!

September 3 Training Session:

Warm-Up= Foam Rolling + Soft Tissue Work(lacrosse ball) + Dynamic and Static Movements
1. Foam Rolling= Full Body(Thanks to Cressey Performance)
2. Soft Tissue work= Lacrosse Ball full body
3. Dynamic Movments
A. Brady Band Series 2x8/8/8/8
B. Wall Slides x10
C. Wrist Flexor Stretch x15secs/side
D. Warrior Lunges 2x10/side
E. Walking Spiderman lunges 2x8/side
F. Squat to Stand 2x10
G. Sleeper Stretch x30secs

Medicine Ball Work

1A. Medicine Ball Overhead Slams 2x10(10lb ball)
1B. Medicine Ball rotational side toss 2x12/each side (10lb ball)

Strength Training Workout
1. Front Squats (touching a 10 inch box)(no belt) 5x5 (60sec rest) 135x, 135x, 155x, 155x, 165x
2. Feet Elevated Pushups 3x12 (15inch box)
2. DB Reverse lunges 3x8/side (35lbs)
3. 1-legged squats (no weight) (parallel) 3x8/side
3. 1-arm Farmer Walks 3x30yards/ each side

Grinding Facts
Time : 55mins
Podcasts: None
Music: Atmosphere, Are, and Wale(Love Hate Thing)
Strengths: Technique
Weaknesses: Hamstring

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