Friday, August 29, 2014

Day 10 | Monday Lower Body

Today is Monday the second week of the 6 week training program I am using to be prepared for the half marathon. Today was the same as last mondays like I said before I love doing my hardest workout the first day of the week to get it out of the way.

Warm-Up= Foam Rolling + Soft Tissue Work(lacrosse ball) + Dynamic and Static Movements
1. Foam Rolling= Full Body(Thanks to Cressey Performance)
2. Soft Tissue work= Lacrosse Ball full body
3. Dynamic Movments
A. Brady Band Series 2x8/8/8/8
B. Wall Slides x10
C. Wrist Flexor Stretch x15secs/side
D. Warrior Lunges 2x10/side
E. Walking Spiderman lunges 2x8/side
F. Squat to Stand 2x10
G. Sleeper Stretch x30secs

Medicine Ball Work

1A. Medicine Ball Overhead Slams 2x10(10lb ball)
1B. Medicine Ball rotational side toss 2x12/each side (10lb ball)

Strength Training Workout
1. Front Squats (touching a 10 inch box)(no belt) 5x5 (60sec rest) All 5 sets were done at 135lb.
* To make things simple always do your main lifts first.* Keeping the arms parallel with the ground*
1. In between I stayed active focusing on a hamstring stretch 3x30secs/ each side. 
*Usually a healthy approach is to do a movement or stretch that helps activate the primary muscles being strained.
2. Feet Elevated Pushups 3x12 (15inch box)
2. DB Reverse lunges 3x8/side (35lbs)
3. 1-legged squats (no weight) (parallel) 3x8/side
3. 1-arm Farmer Walks 3x30yards/ each side

Grinding Facts
Time : 55mins
Podcasts: None
Music: Trip Lee
Strengths: Glutes
Weaknesses: Imbalances

Day 9 | Full Body

It is friday and ending this week with the Full Body Training session. Today also I had the opportunity to sit down with a friend who just got his Bodybuilding card. He is someone who I look up to with how he approaches life, nutrition, and training. We sat down and talked obviously he had 3 bins of food filled with brocolli, sweet potatoes, and chicken. In the winter. his offseason he won a powerlifting competion and the key takeaway was his: powerlifting program approach to bodybuilding and the only change was in his nutrition. 
(My buddy Mike Kamouyerou a natural bodybuilder)

Later that day I got to train and just kept it fast and short. Today is my last day of training so here it is:

1. Foam Rolling + Stretching

2. Training
1. Sumo Deadlifts 225 3x5 (Fast)
2. Box Squats 4x5 (Fast) (185)
3. 1-arm DB rows 3x8(50)
3. DB Single Leg RDL 2x10/s
4. Farmer Walks 3x30yards (65yrds)

*Post Shoulder*

Grinding Facts
Amount of Time: 55mins
Time: 9am
Podcasts: Entrepreneur on Fire
Music: None
Shoes: MP Chuck Taylors
Positives: Felt strong throughout the session

Day 8 | Long Distance Day

This is the day you let it all out. It is the 4th day of training this week and I like to have one day out of the program a week to let it all out- Long Distance Running. Again trying to transform into an athlete who can run half marathons is a battle in itself so the standard of just running 4 days a week is not realistic. Week by week I will slowly progress but in time I will be where I need to be, so with that said:

The Training session:

1. Foam Roll +Mobilit Workout

2. Road running a trail near my house finished at 4 miles.

3. Post Stretch/ Recover/ Relax

During the recovery process I killed a protein shake. Always try and throw down a shake within 45min-1hr post workout.

Ingredients for mine:

2 cups of whey
1cup of cottage cheese
handful of strawberries(6-12)
2 ice cubes
spoonful of peanutt butter
2cups of water

Quick Facts
Podcasts: None
Music: Lecrae, J Cole
Pre- Workout: None
Shoes: Mizunos Low
Gear: LuluLemon Athletica shorts and tank

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Day 7 | Upper Body

Today is my first upper body training day and third day of training this week. I am still on that first week of lifting high so when the passion levels out I will be able to measure my true strength. Just waking up with a little more pep in my step, then after that first step my muscles told me to cool my jets. To say the least it took me about 25 minutes to walk to my fridge.(I need that chair from Seinfeld that George had during the Summer of George episode) To be honest it feels good to hurt this much.

To give you a grasp of my grind I have learned to focus on mobility, stability, then strength when it comes to the upper body. Just understand this: It is more important to be healthy than veiny. So if you have the gym ego and all you care about are those mirror muscles then you should stop reading and go back to listening to your EDM music and gelling your hair. For the rest of you, being healthy rather than veiny is the way to fight. And yes I admit I was once that guy who just saw my bis, chest, and abs. Lets move on to the muscles we can't see please.

Back to my upper body workout.

First off, my perspective did a 180 after training for a summer at Cressey Performance. Eric Cressey, Tony Gentilcore, Brian St. Pierre, and other athletes instilled in me the way professional athletes do it. I could write a book about what they have done for me as an athlete and as a man.

So here is the workout:

1. Foam Roll and Soft Tissue with the lacrosse ball

2. Static and Dynamic Stretching:

- Reach, Roll, Lift x8/side
- Yoga Plex Push-up x8
- Wall Slides x10
- Walking Spiderman lunges x8/side
- T-Spin x6/side
- Med Ball Diagonal hold reaches x8/side
- Alternating Lateral Lunge with Overhead Reaches x6/side
- Sleeper Stretches x20secs

*If you want to learn the technique of these movements check YouTube*

3. Med Ball and movements:

1A. 10lb. MB Overhead Slam 2x10
1B. Band Pull Aparts 2x10
2A. 10lb. MB rotational toss 2x10/side
2B. Scap Pushups 2x10

4. Training: 

Chain Pushups with total of 85lbs(6chains)

1. Wide Grip Pullups 4x5
2. Chain Pushups 3x8 (85lbs)(Above)
3. Neutral Grip DB Chest Supported Row 3x8 (35,40,40)
4. Fat Grip Incline Hammer Curl + Tate Press Combo 3x8 (30lb)
5. Inverted Row Holds 3x20secs

5. Post Stretches

Grinding Quick Facts
Amount of Time: 55mins
Time: 5:30pm
Music: None
Podcast: Entrepreneurship on Fire with John Lee Dumas | Delatorro McNeal: Caught between a Dream and a Job
Shoes: Mizuno Low Tops
Strengths: Back and Core Strength
Weaknesses: Shoulder Strength Imbalances

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Day 6 | #1 Sprint Day

It is Tuesday- Day 2 of my training program and my first day of running. My legs are sore. My hammy is tender. My hips feel locked. My body may feel abused but I am committed to this journey and overcoming every roadblock. Again let me point out that training for this half-marathon has nothing to do with running but only to do with winning the constant battle against myself. Its about completing goals that I set out to do. Now back to being sore, the recipe for a sore body is the Foam Roller(my version is a PVC pipe- an advanced foam roller). Aka my best friend. I talk to it, go on walks, play in the park, and watch movies with it. My sidekick. It should be a priority for everyone (NOT Just Athletes) before work, after work, during work, whatever. And if you want to prove me wrong then get one do it for 30 days every day and if you are in more pain then I owe you a steak dinner. And if you are a V then we can have a Tofu party. Just try it.

My Brother and the PVC getting ready for Deadlifts

Lets Talk Sprints

Sprints are vital for cutting fat, increasing strength, and building endurance. It has always been apart of my training no matter what. Marathons, powerlifting, baseball, football, basketball, and/or any sport it plays a role in preparing your body for game day. My approach to this first running session was to test my will and effort. It is a different way to look at developing strength programs but if you can master adversity and perseverance then you can master anything. Its all relative. 

After doing my Warm-up= Foam Roll + Static and Dynamic Stretching, I jumped into what I like to call testing my will. This exercise is to see how far I can run without stopping. The rate progressively increases always finishing better than I started. It helps bridge the gap between sprinters and long distance runners and really challenges your will. I made it to 3 miles just around 24 minutes then I rested for 2 mins and got into my sprints. 
Again a different perspective I have towards sprints not worrying about the distance but the amount of reps I reach max effort and for how long. So today I did:

5x 20 yard sprints (max effort)
5x 30 yard sprints (max effort)
5x 50 yard sprints (max effort)

*Reaching a total of 15 reps at max effort*

After sprinting and stretching I finished with my usual shoulder health program. A concern for many runners is posture. Posture can be forgotten and slowly it can turn into an anchor during our training process. Also no one wants to look like the Hunchback of Notre-Dame. So strengthing the functioning of my scap is always a focus when cooling down and coming off that runners high. It takes less than ten minutes and will save you years of pain. 

Shoulder Exercises:
DB 2-way deltoid raises 2x15
Band OH Internal rotations 2x10/s
Band OH External Rotations 2x10/s
Chest Supported Yraises 2x10
Side Lying ER 2x10/side
Rice Digs 2x30secs

Quick Facts
Time: 1 hr
Music: Action Bronson and Wu Tang 
Podcast: None
Shoes: Mizunos low top running
Gear: Lululemon shorts, Nike top, Underarmer compression shorts
Strengths: Technique
Weaknesses: Hammy Strength and Health
Motivation: Grinding for Gram
Pre Snack: Protein Bar

Monday, August 18, 2014

Day 5 | Monday Lower Body

Today is Day 1 of the 8- week program. There will be 4 training days and 3 running days. Outside of training, will include high protein meals, sleep, shoulder and scap exercises, and daily soft tissue work. I will be dabbling into it all types of training with the goal of building strength and conditioning for my first half marathon on November 8th. It is a goal that I have never worked for but I am excited for the challenge and embracing the process to achieving this goal. As I have said in past posts I am not a runner but my friend asked me to run for his grandmother, who recently has been diagnosed with cancer. Thankful to have the opportunity to represent a great family and donate to such a great cause. Below I break down the process of today's training session and my approach to each lift, movement, set, rep, and weight. Enjoy

Warm-Up= Foam Rolling + Soft Tissue Work(lacrosse ball) + Dynamic and Static Movements
1. Foam Rolling= Full Body(Thanks to Cressey Performance)
2. Soft Tissue work= Lacrosse Ball full body
3. Dynamic Movments
A. Brady Band Series 2x8/8/8/8
B. Wall Slides x10
C. Wrist Flexor Stretch x15secs/side
D. Warrior Lunges 2x10/side
E. Walking Spiderman lunges 2x8/side
F. Squat to Stand 2x10
G. Sleeper Stretch x30secs

Being a former pitcher and currently rehabing back from a injured shoulder(post labrium tear) it is vital that foam rolling, soft tissue work, and movement training is a priority. Over the past 4 years,  I have found that to achieve elite health and strength I must be able to do the movement before throwing on the plates. A quick reminder, when training for goals one must leave their ego at the door and appreciate the development process. Buy into the process and you will meet your goals. It's that simple. 

Medicine Ball Work

1A. Medicine Ball Overhead Slams 2x10(10lb ball)
1B. Medicine Ball rotational side toss 2x12/each side (10lb ball)

When designing programs for various athletes, I have found medicine balls to be very productive for all types of athletes. When used correctly medicine ball work can slowly activate and prepare you for your max effort lifts. It takes place for "the warm-up lap" and other non-helpful warm-ups that do not prepare you for the work you are about to effort. Ultimately it is used to bridge the gap between stretching and lifting. 

Strength Training Workout
1. Front Squats (touching a 10 inch box)(no belt) 5x5 (60sec rest) All 5 sets were done at 135lb.
* To make things simple always do your main lifts first.* Keeping the arms parallel with the ground*
1. In between I stayed active focusing on a hamstring stretch 3x30secs/ each side. 
*Usually a healthy approach is to do a movement or stretch that helps activate the primary muscles being strained.
2. Feet Elevated Pushups 3x12 (15inch box)
2. DB Reverse lunges 3x8/side (35lbs)
3. 1-legged squats (no weight) (parallel) 3x8/side
3. 1-arm Farmer Walks 3x30yards/ each side

My approach to all workouts is Less is More. The least amount of movements for max output allows athletes to focus more on the task at hand and understand the reasoning behind each movement. Opposed to training that is uniform, for example a program with 15 exercises and 2 sets of 20 reps can easily be approached with the "half-ass" mentality. Too many workouts. Too many reps. And too many movements that don't help you achieve the final result. When we as grinders have lofty goals we have to strategically execute on each step of the way. We are in the business of cause and effect and as always the truth comes out.

Quick Facts
Total time Training: 45 minutes
Music: None
Podcasts: Entrepreneuship on Fire- The Human Project Episode
Time: 11:30am
Pains: Right Hamstring
Strengths: Technique and explosion
Weaknesses: Low weight on accessary lifts. 
Takeaway: It is vital to control breathing patterns during breaks with squats. 
Shoes: MP Chuck Taylors

Lets Grind Together. Get on your Grind by Getting on ours. 

Friday, August 15, 2014

Day 4 | Last day of Vacation

It is our last day(6th day) here in Hilton Head and our third day training. Yesterday was an off day but we still rode bikes all day and had a competitive tennis match between my girlfriend and I vs. my sister and her boyfriend. Personally I love to compete, no matter what it is so I treated it like it was the U.S. Open. Quickly I was humbled.
Side Note: yesterday i was contacted from a close friend, former teammate, and someone who I call every week and was told that his pap has cancer. To help awareness he asked if I would run a half marathon November 8th with him to show support. Being the high and low passionate person that I am, quickly wanted to help so yes I am running. Funny thing is he is 230lb powerful former catcher who runs like a deer and during college practice he would always complain about the distance. Its all coming Full Circle haha.
(a pic I took of my girlfriend dominating a run aka beating me)

Last night my girlfriend and I set out the weeks and plans of the miles needed to run to help prepare me for 13.1 miles. And today was day 1, of seeing how far I could go at a pace without stopping which ended to be 3.1 miles. I stayed positive and kept being positive with myself throughout the process.
( "Nick one foot at a time, one minute at a time, focus on your form, pick your feet up, don't stand to tall, keep going, push through the calf cramp, embrace the pain, lighter on your feet.")
I'm realistic and ready to take on this challenge of training that I have never believed in : Long Distance Running. The more I do it the more I learn that it is about winning the battle against yourself verses the run itself. So over these next few months I will be tracking my training and post random thoughts leading up to the competition.

Time: 7am
Temp: 81
Total Miles: 6.0
Total Distance without Stopping: 3.1
Shoes: Mizunos
Clothing: Lululemon
Audio: Entrepreneurship on Fire podcast

Day 3 | 2nd Training session in Hilton Head

It's Wednesday, August 13th  the 2nd training session here in Hilton Head Island. The scenery is breathtaking as we ride through the bike trails to breakfast, lunch, dinner, beach, training, and too just enjoy this week's family vacation. The first training session was humbling as I have not run that far in months. My girlfriend is currently training for her second marathon, setting the pace to keep up. So yes I was the sweaty boyfriend lagging behind. I rode the bike to the gym but took the "long way" finishing just over 15 miles. I push it hard then stop(max effort then easy riding) It was more enjoyable than physically taxing. We started the same time as usual.

Perks of running in Hilton Head

Total Bike Mileage: 20 miles

Foam Rolling- Full body
Wall Slides x10
Psaos Band stretch x12
Hammy Stretch hip turns x8/s
Knee to Knees x25secs
Side Lying ER x10/s

(Again the Dumbbells went up to 50 and there were only 8 machines)
1. 1arm DB Incline Press 3x12/each side
2. Chest Press Machine 2x20
3A. 1arm cable row 2x15
3B. Pallof Press 2x15
4. Tricep Extensions 2x12
5. Diagonal Cable Woodchops 2x12/each side

Then we biked home. 

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Day 2 | Day 1 of Vacation

Day 1 before the Sunburn

Update: This week is vacation week. My family came down to Hilton Head Island for the week to enjoy the beach, the heat, food, and that quality time with one another. Building relationships within the family has been a key player in my development process. And during this week with the limited amount of resources we are riding bikes, playing tennis, running on the beach, and training. A perfect getaway to help me refocus on my goals and prepare for the fall.

House for the Week

First we start at 7am and the humidity is already 92%. So yes lots of liquids. My girlfriend and I ran to the gym (3.4 miles), trained, and came back. So the training was not at max effort. The gym was very limited with equipment but we made the best of it.

1. Mobility- static and dynamic stretching
2a. Bosu Ball push-ups 4x15
2b. 1arm DB rows 4x10/each side
3a. DB Romanian deadlifts 4x10
3b. Bent over reverse DB flys
4. Planks 3x45secs

The rest of the day was also active by bike riding, playing tennis, and going to the beach. It was a day filled with adrenaline kicking off the vacation the right way!

Stay healthy and stay tuned.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Day 1 | Day before Vacation

Lets get right into it- so now for the next 90 days I will be logging my days: Workouts, nutrition, the mental approach, emotions, tips, rants, and run-on sentences. Today is day 1, and it has been a slow 2 weeks with the training due to a somewhat uncomfortable hammy pull from a 10 on 10 pick-up soccer game. No more excuses.

Today I just wanted to focus on my movements:

1. PVC/Foam Roll

2. Defranco's Agile 8 

3. Circuit
A. Front Squats 4x5 (135)
B. Straight Bar Curls 4x10
C. Pushups x50

4. Circuit
A. 1-arm DB row (65) 4x8
B. 1-legged squats (bodyweight) 4x6/s
C. Pallof Press 3x20/s

About to leave for Hilton Head, now I am starting to regret the squats. Just kidding. 

Let's be great!