Today is Monday the second week of the 6 week training program I am using to be prepared for the half marathon. Today was the same as last mondays like I said before I love doing my hardest workout the first day of the week to get it out of the way.
Warm-Up= Foam Rolling + Soft Tissue Work(lacrosse ball) + Dynamic and Static Movements
1. Foam Rolling= Full Body(Thanks to Cressey Performance)
2. Soft Tissue work= Lacrosse Ball full body
3. Dynamic Movments
A. Brady Band Series 2x8/8/8/8
B. Wall Slides x10
C. Wrist Flexor Stretch x15secs/side
D. Warrior Lunges 2x10/side
E. Walking Spiderman lunges 2x8/side
F. Squat to Stand 2x10
G. Sleeper Stretch x30secs
Medicine Ball Work
1A. Medicine Ball Overhead Slams 2x10(10lb ball)
1B. Medicine Ball rotational side toss 2x12/each side (10lb ball)
Strength Training Workout
1. Front Squats (touching a 10 inch box)(no belt) 5x5 (60sec rest) All 5 sets were done at 135lb.
* To make things simple always do your main lifts first.* Keeping the arms parallel with the ground*
1. In between I stayed active focusing on a hamstring stretch 3x30secs/ each side.
*Usually a healthy approach is to do a movement or stretch that helps activate the primary muscles being strained.
2. Feet Elevated Pushups 3x12 (15inch box)
2. DB Reverse lunges 3x8/side (35lbs)
3. 1-legged squats (no weight) (parallel) 3x8/side
3. 1-arm Farmer Walks 3x30yards/ each side
Grinding Facts
Time : 55mins
Podcasts: None
Music: Trip Lee
Strengths: Glutes
Weaknesses: Imbalances
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