Friday, August 15, 2014

Day 3 | 2nd Training session in Hilton Head

It's Wednesday, August 13th  the 2nd training session here in Hilton Head Island. The scenery is breathtaking as we ride through the bike trails to breakfast, lunch, dinner, beach, training, and too just enjoy this week's family vacation. The first training session was humbling as I have not run that far in months. My girlfriend is currently training for her second marathon, setting the pace to keep up. So yes I was the sweaty boyfriend lagging behind. I rode the bike to the gym but took the "long way" finishing just over 15 miles. I push it hard then stop(max effort then easy riding) It was more enjoyable than physically taxing. We started the same time as usual.

Perks of running in Hilton Head

Total Bike Mileage: 20 miles

Foam Rolling- Full body
Wall Slides x10
Psaos Band stretch x12
Hammy Stretch hip turns x8/s
Knee to Knees x25secs
Side Lying ER x10/s

(Again the Dumbbells went up to 50 and there were only 8 machines)
1. 1arm DB Incline Press 3x12/each side
2. Chest Press Machine 2x20
3A. 1arm cable row 2x15
3B. Pallof Press 2x15
4. Tricep Extensions 2x12
5. Diagonal Cable Woodchops 2x12/each side

Then we biked home. 

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